2022 was a HUGE milestone of a year for Gender Justice LA! We celebrated 20 years of existence as one of the first Trans led organizations in Los Angeles. During a time of increased violence towards TGNC people, and during a time where anti-Trans legislation and policy was emboldened, we know how necessary and crucial it is for GJLA to exist in order to organize, advocate, develop community based strategies and build our collective power!
- In 2022 alone we served over 24,000 community members through our in-person and virtual outreach, committees, mutual aid efforts, policy campaigns, and participatory research initiatives.
- We were involved in multiple campaigns from food justice, to health care, to migrant rights, to mental health access. We did this through our coalition work with Justice LA, #Food4All, #Out4mentalhealth, #outagainstbigtobacco, and through our in-house research projects like Trans Masculine Health Justice LA.
- Gender Justice understands that our work is intersectional, it must be led by TGNC BIPOC communities, and in collaboration/partnership across movements. In 2022 we partnered with 30+ community organizations, collectives, businesses, and non-profit organizations in forms of workshops, tabling opportunities, mutual aid, and a range of other projects that center TGNC community members.
- We hosted, led, and were part of 60+ community events, panels, monthly membership meetings, and conferences.
- As part of our rapid response and mutual aid efforts we gave out 4,000 COVID-19 Rapid tests, 500 hand sanitizers, 700 Kn95 masks, 2,000 QR Codes highlighting our TGI Community Resource Guide, 300 face shields, and 500 gloves. We also were part of the inaugural MPOX Work Group in California focusing on LGBTQ community resources, messaging, and urgent dispersing of critical information for vaccination and treatment.

2022 was about sustainability and longevity!
- Our team expanded in 2022, with a total of 8 Staff and Advisory Board members iIn partnership with UCLA Labor Center and Dream Resource Center we hosted two Dream Fellows this past summer to support our work with migrant and TGNC health and food advocacy.
- Admin Coordinator, Camila Camaleón, is representing GJLA as a2023 SPI Fellow at the Women Foundation as part of the Trauma Services Prevention And Reproductive Health Justice Team!
- We welcomed new Outreach Coordinator, Gia Dacayanan into the team!
- Our Advisory board also began its new cycle and we are pleased to welcome to the board: Bria Brown-King, Gabriel Vidal, Zy’aire Nassirah, and Michaé De La Cuadra. A big thank you to all our past Advisory Board members for ushering us into this next phase of growth!
- We are starting off the year by announcing that GJLA is opening our very own Gender Justice LA Center in Lincoln Heights!
- We are expanding our team, and searching high and low for our new Campaign Coordinator! To apply click HERE!
- We are building out our intern/fellowship program.
- Stay tuned for TGNC Advocacy and Empowerment trainings coming back this Spring
- We are leading efforts with coalitions, such as the California TGI Policy Alliance (CTPA), to continue to advocate, and organize for equity and community centered legislation for TGNC communities by helping to secure 13 million from state allocated funding for TGI serving organizations in California.
- We are continuing our campaign work in #Food4All, #Out4mentalhealth, #OutAgainstBigTobacco, #Health4All, coalition work with Justice LA, and our research justice initiatives such as TMHJ: LA.
- Mutual Aid efforts will continue as we continue to outreach, ensuring that TGNC people have access to PPE ( COVID-19 rapid tests, hand sanitizers, masks, gloves) at no cost, and that they have the latest information on COVID-19 and MPOX.
The work ahead for Trans liberation takes people power, resilience, and sustainability! We are continuing our fundraising efforts and WE NEED your ongoing support to reach our $20k fundraising goal in order to be Rent Free in 2023!! Are you able to HELP US get there?!
There are two ways you can support today!
Become a Monthly Sustainer
And OR make a ONE time donation Here!