FOOD4ALL Campaign 
Gender Justice LA is one of nine organizations working closely with Nourish California to uplift the Food4All campaign and communicate its value to policymakers and our communities. At GJLA, we believe everyone should have access to care, food, nutrition, and housing. During a critical time of ongoing environmental change, increase of anti-immigrant and anti-Trans legislation, and growing income inequality we must center the needs and voices of frontline communities that are directly being impacted. We envision a world where everyone across California, especially our Trans and migrant communities, are able to live joyful, healthy, and equitable lives. The Food4All proposal would expand the California Food Assistance Program (CFAP) nutrition benefits to California immigrants of all ages, who have been excluded from CalFresh solely due to their immigration status. In January, the Governor included funding in his 2022-2023 proposed budget to remove exclusions from the CFAP regardless of their immigration status, but only for Californians ages 55 and older. The Food4All Coalition is circulating a petition to the Governor to fully fund Food4All to provide food assistance to California immigrants of all ages. Now is the time for California to champion equitable policies that dismantle racist and xenophobic exclusions, and invest in bolstering healthy communities and families in our state.
Please join us in support of #Food4All by signing this petition to ensure the Governor's 2022-23 State Budget proposal includes funding to provide CFAP nutrition benefits for all California : SIGN HERE !
[Fact Sheets | Bill Text | FAQ | Talking Points] WE BREATHE
OUT Against Big Tobacco Coalition 
The Out Against Big Tobacco Coalitions, supported by Equality California Institute, are alliances of LGBTQ+ individuals and community organizations collectively working to address tobacco control and health inequity issues within California’s LGBTQ+ community. Gender Justice LA is part of the Los Angeles County Coalition. For decades, Big Tobacco has preyed on the LGBTQ+ community, targeting us through their marketing campaigns, getting us hooked on their deadly products. The result? LGBTQ+ people are more than TWICE as likely to smoke as our non-LGBTQ+ peers, and nearly 30,000 LGBTQ+ people across the country die every year of tobacco-related causes.The OUT Against Big Tobacco Coalition is taking a stand! We were victimized. We will not allow them prey on us any longer. They don’t respect our existence, but they will respect our resistance. We launched a pledge in November 2021 urging California legislators and legislative candidates to voluntarily refuse campaign contributions from the tobacco industry. CLICK HERE to learn more and see who’s taken the pledge.
Justice LA Coalition 
The JusticeLA Coalition (JLA) was born in the Fall of 2017 from the community based advocacy of countless families separated by the largest jail system in the world. In partnership with grassroots organizations, advocates, directly impacted communities, and stakeholders, we work to reduce the footprint of incarceration by stopping jail expansion and reclaiming, reimagining and reinvesting dollars away from incarceration and into community-based systems of care. Since our launch, we have successfully stopped LA County’s $3.5 billion jail expansion plan and lead the development of LA County’s Alternatives to Incarceration Workgroup report.
JusticeLA prioritizes an intersectional approach to movement building that uplifts the communities most impacted by incarceration in Los Angeles County, including: immigrant and undocumented people; Black, Brown and indigenous peoples; people with mental health and substance use needs; young people, women and LGBTQ people. Building on nearly a decade of advocacy, we are calling for a robust decarceration plan for Los Angeles that fully realizes the promise of diversion and re-entry through a justice reinvestment strategy. Gender Justice LA currently is part of the Executive Committee.
Please sign the petition to #ReimagineLACounty .
#Out4MentalHealth is a statewide project that advances mental health equity, provides resources to build capacity in local LGBTQ+ communities, and represents a coalition voice at state-level policy discussions. #Out4MentalHealth Task Forces support local community members and organizations with engaging in LGBTQ Mental Health Advocacy at the county, state, and federal level. Each Task Force is led by local community members and organizations and open to everyone interested in advocating for LGBTQ Mental Health Equity. Gender Justice LA leads the LA County Task Force.
Learn more about #Out4MentalHealth by visiting: