Gender Justice LA is a grassroots organization that is building the the power of the transgender and gender non-conforming community here in LA. We use community organizing and leadership development to make concrete changes in the lives of all TGNC people, especially low-income trans people of color.
We seek to build our community's power to fight for racial, social, cultural, and economic justice. GJLA is building a strong grassroots multi-racial coalition of transgender people and allies to advocate for our rights, win concrete improvements in our lives, and challenge oppression.
Rooted in the unique social justice landscape of Los Angeles, GJLA envisions a safe and just society for all transgender and gender non-conforming people. Recognizing the mutual dependence of racial, economic, and gender-based liberation, we are committed to working from an intersectional lens, and to centering the needs of low income, transgender people of color. These needs include access to quality, respectful, and affordable health care; freedom from bigotry, harassment, and violence; opportunities for education, employment, and leadership; safe spaces for enhancing spiritual, physical, and social wellness; and the right to self-determination.
We're a grassroots organization building the the power of the transgender and gender non-conforming community here in LA. Join us!
In 2022, we celebrated #20YearsofResilience!
In 2023, we opened The GJLA Center! To keep this TGI community center open donate to:
Our Mission:
Gender Justice LA (GJLA), which is a grassroots social justice organization led by and for gender non-conforming, two spirit, Black, Indigenous, trans people of color in LA.
Gender Justice LA organizes, holds space, provides resources, and collaborates with others so that our communities can: resist oppression, develop community responses to violence, heal from present & historical trauma, and come together in ways that feel brave & affirming.
*We know that personally and culturally, our genders are bigger than the language we have.
Please join us for our programming wherever you are called, placed, and fit.
Our Vision:
We believe in liberation. We dream of a world free from all forms of interpersonal and state violence, where our whole selves, communities, kinships, and chosen families are held in all of our complexities. This world affirms practices of collective learning, wellness, culture, and traditions that sustain us emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically. Our vision is to get free!
Organizational Values:
Social justice: Committed to organizing and uplifting gender, racial, economic, and disability justice framework.
Centering: Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Transgender, & Gender Non-Conforming people. Specifically centering those most marginalized.
Self-Determination: Gender policing is a form of state violence. We push back against the criminalization of our people. We determine our own gender / genderless paths and are committed to trans liberation in our lifetime.
Transparency: For all members, systems, campaigns and programs of GJLA to be transparent. This includes transferring & receipt of knowledge and power broadly across internal and external relationships.
Heart-Centered: Struggling together with love, care and authenticity to, and come together in ways that feel brave and affirming. Commitment to self-care and community-care practices that sustain us for the long haul.
Abolition: We do not work with or engage with cops, period! We believe the Prison-Industrial Complex (PIC) and the carceral state at large are harmful to our existence. Our work centers those who are system impacted.
Healing & Wellness: Heal from past, present & historical trauma, and come together in ways that feel brave and affirming.
We use art as a tool for social change. We integrate play through practices of imagination, and dreaming / visioning of a new world.
By US For US! Trans, GNC, members & staff run, led, and driven. We are an ever evolving ecosystem.
Partner With GJLA:
Does your organization want to partner with Gender Justice LA? As an organization that has been resilient for 20 years we are actively seeking accomplices that will help build our communities collective power. Through community organizing and leadership development our mission is to make concrete changes in the lives of all transgender (trans) and gender non-conforming (gnc) people, especially low-income Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC). We are invested in building our community's collective power to fight for racial, gender and economic justice.
Click this link and read our organizational values to see if we'd be a match!
Please Note: All types or organizations are encouraged to reach out.
Partnership Inquiries?
Individual consultants, giveaway materials, coupons, potential programs, or even tabling at events for 2SLGBTQIA+ folks are just a few of the interactions we've received in the past.